12 Speed

As a paragon of hindsight, this dystopian novel focuses its attention on the US and current affairs. It is a warning statement crafted by the sick sensibility of what we want or need, assuming that conversation is as valuable as understanding the Dejavudoo of our brains on drugs. Some report lucid moral atrophy, while others argue whether sex trafficking is a sport or a form of torture. The officials in charge think talking is swinging as a lust competition antic... In many cases, the underdog strategy of condescending reflexes become arguable as the excuses to survive may or may not be an effort to avoid blue-balls. The basics of turning a live theatrical event into a smash-mouth hit is only what dreams could fathom. Echoing the experimental literary style of James Joyce and William Burroughs, the author explodes the boundaries of language and grammar to create a novel of the future about the present.


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Tapa blanda

2022-02-16 17:31:42

EBL Books


Ficción moderna y contemporánea (FA)

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