Diabolical Capitalism: How Companies Destroy People’s Lives

Some CEOs, managers, shareholders, owners, and board chairs resort to diabolical techniques to control, humiliate, and destroy their employees" lives. Knowing full well that such practices are loathsome to public opinion, most companies work hard to conceal them from public view. This is why it is so important for employees to be able to recognize such diabolical practices so that they may defend themselves against them. In this book, I identify all these practices and propose several ideas to protect employees" rights. I refer to the entirety of these insidious company practices as the Diabolical Management Process (DMP). This diabolical process reaps economic benefits for those at the top of corporate power structures while wreaking havoc on the lives of employees and their families. This book consists of five chapters, each focusing on one of the five stages that form the Diabolical Management Process: lies, violence, robbery, defamation, and destruction. In each chapter, I describe 20 main diabolical principles implemented by companies to destroy employees" lives. And, to illustrate each principle, I provide ten recent examples from different companies around the world. This book demonstrates how many employees are victims of diabolical practices implemented by some companies.


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Sociología (JHB)

Pablo Medina Aguerrebere (Spain, 1982) holds a PhD in Corporate Communication (University of Navarra - Spain, 2011). He has worked as a university professor in communication in different countries, such as Spain and Switzerland. His main research area is health communication, patients" rights, and humanities.

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