Everything will be all right, Mummy!

Who has not felt identifed as a child with a superhero who saved the world from the bad guys? For many children, their own parents are their superheroes and they want to become like them, hence the importance of transmitting values through example. There are spheres of life that can generate fear, especially fear of the new. Our role as parents is to make them feel safe and to learn to feel comfortable and calm when faced with the unknown. Children learn attitudes such as empathy, respect, and honesty from the way parents confront life, either positively or negatively. Armin and Leia can imagine their parents every day as if they were real superheroes. They are proud of how they can heal the good guys and lock up the bad guys in jail. To this day, a bug called COVID-19, gets to disrupt their life and their routines, to the point of transforming themselves into the superheroes of their home, while their parents have to go out to work. Armin is convinced that his parents have taught him all he needs to know and is fully capable of facing this situation with his sister and, while the confnement stage lasts, he dreams that he can get to hunt down that little monster so that he can go to the beach again with his parents. And why can"t everything turn out right in the end? You just have to dream it and believe in it with a positive attitude like when you were a child.


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Tapa blanda

2021-01-14 16:35:31

Grupo Editorial Círculo Rojo SL


Cuentos (FYB)

Born in Onil in 1980. Lover of sports, nature and a healthy lifestyle. She always knew that when she was older, she wanted to help people improve their health and quality of life. She frst trained in Nursing and worked for several years in public health (accident and emergency, geriatrics and primary care) and wanting to experience even more, she continued with Chiropody, to later specialize in Sports podiatry and then create her own private clinic, where she currently works. Mother of two children, she is characterized by being empathetic, sensitive, a fghter for what she wants and for living life to the full, in which she is undoubtedly accompanied by the best company, her husband. One of her many dreams has always been to be able to write and publish her own book. Confnement was decisive in enabling her to embark on this great journey. It is a job done from the heart and soul, in which she has felt very identifed with her healthcare colleagues.

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