Executive Protection in the 21st Century: A new vision

Executive protection has long been characterized with reactive approaches and traditional imagery of weapons, dark suits, and sunglasses, as perpetuated by Hollywood. However, this proves ineffective in the face of social and technological changes in contemporary society. A new protective method is needed that favors discretion, detection, and deactivation of threats before they arise. This text invites readers to explore the captivating realm of high-level security while offering valuable insights applicable to navigating our ever-evolving and complex society.


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Tapa blanda con solapas

2023-06-01 11:10:03



Empresa y gestión (KJ)

Ivan Ivanovich He was born in 1973, in the territory of the former Yugoslavia, where he was trained in urban defense and survival techniques during the Balkan War. Since 2000, he has resided in Mexico, and in 2004, founded AGS Group, a firm that provided executive security for CEOs of various multinational companies, former presidents, state secretaries from different countries, athletes, and celebrities from around the world during their visits to Mexico, as well as security for numerous national and international companies. He is an international speaker, and his book "Executive Protection in the 21st Century, The New Doctrine," published in 2020 in Spanish, ranked first in sales on Amazon Mexico in the "Business Management" category. His primary goal was to contribute to the paradigm shift in executive protection from a reactive approach — based on the use of weapons and similar measures — to a system focused on prevention, discretion, and risk evasion. He is considered one of the top 100 most influential professionals in private security in Mexico by the prestigious Seguridad en América magazine. Member of the Board of Executive Protection Professionals Since 2022, he has been a partner and Vice President of WSO Worldwide Security Options, a multinational security company.

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