Handbook of Statistics: Step-by-Step Mathematical Solutions

Handbook of Statistics: Step-by-Step Mathematical Solutions is a pedagogical guide that provides a practical review of the most commonly used statistical models in the social sciences. The mathematical procedures are explained step-by-step allowing the reader to use or apply them to solve real problems (at scientific and business level), make objective decisions based on evidence, and develop original research related to behavioral and health sciences. Likewise, the design of the contents is completely functional: all are intended to enable the student to understand and apply statistics without previous knowledge of mathematics. In addition, with the aim of promoting the use of free open access software, we explain in an illustrated way how to use JAMOVI, which is specialized in data analysis and uses the R programming language. This manual is designed for students pursuing university degrees associated with communication sciences, behavioral sciences, business and humanities.


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Tapa blanda con solapas

2022-03-24 16:03:43

Aula Magna Proyecto clave McGraw Hill


Probabilidad y estadística (PBT)

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Dr. Álex Escolà-Gascón (Barcelona, 1990) is a University Professor at the School of Communication and International Relations, Blanquerna, Ramon Llull University (Barcelona, Spain). He holds a PhD in Science with a specialization in applied statistics and methodology from Ramon Llull University, is a Psychologist from the same university and a Statistician from the Autonomous University of Madrid and Complutense University of Madrid. He teaches in the areas of Applied Mathematics, Data Analysis and Statistical Methods. He coordinates the AnomaLab research unit (www.anomalisticresearch.com), in collaboration with professors from Manchester Metropolitan University and Harvard Medical School.

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