Higher Evolution Processes

Serious problems affecting humanity and the world. Questions of ultimate importance. Could it be that the thinking human being cannot find the way to live with dignity and, therefore, is unable to solve problems? Does this human incompetence come from limited genetic development or a lack of culture and education? Do the answers to these questions prevent or promote the fact that violence, power, and wealth/money are believed to be the forces that govern human life? Could it be, perhaps, that because of the reality behind these questions, human beings are unable to use their vital capacities to act and behave as truly thinking beings? Why is it that after so much time, so much suffering and so much material progress, human beings are incapable of living correctly and evolving as they should? Why do the majority of people today still insist that violence, power, and wealth/money rule the lives of human beings? Why is it that human beings, despite deep intiatic-esoteric experiences and great advances in education, science, technology, religion, philosophy, art, and political philosophy find themselves incapable of living correctly and of evolving and progressing properly as human beings?


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Tapa blanda con solapas

2022-06-14 14:49:52

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Humanidades (H)

About the author: Germán Martín Castro (Prometeus) is an initiate-adept whose destiny has led him to reveal to humanity, for the first time, the solution to the problems and impediments that have hertofore made it impossible for humanity to live with dignity, to progress, and to evolve as it should. As part of his mission, he founded the Prometeus Initiatory School in 1968 to train a group of people to follow his path. From 2017, the Prometeus Initiatory School has served a school of initiation for all humanity. About his own life, the author can only let it be known that at the age of four, he became aware that humanity lives in a condition that is not right or correct. Throughout his life, he has always known that human beings live in a manner that is totally wrong and that every human being must cultivate and control they way he or she lives. The author has consciously lived his own live on the fringes of everything (lumpen), since he does not allow himself to accept any of the standard assumptions about life. In this, previous and future publications (Integral and Democratic Way Out of Life and the World Crisis, Volumes I and II, The Age of Aquarius: Bios-Logos-Technos-Gnosis, and the website www.evolucionsuperior.es) you can find the concepts that at all levels can serve as a solution to the problems of humanity.

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