How to assess primary school learners of foreign languages: A guide for classroom practice

How to assess primary school learners of foreign languages. A guide for classroom practice documents assessment as an essential part of the learning process. It introduces an overview of the recent theories, terminology and practical in-classroom approaches concerning assessment of primary school language learners. The book is organised in two parts. The first part, the Theoretical framework, deals with important terms, reasons and effects, methods, principles, and procedures of assessing primary school learners of foreign languages (FL). The second part, Practice, is organised in three working sections: Section I includes seven steps to help the reader during the classroom assessment design; Section II covers how to give effective oral and written feedback; Section III addresses observing, documenting, and reflecting on primary school learners of FL. Finally, some assessment tasks are included in appendices. Appendix I includes printable worksheets illustrating formative assessment ideas. Appendix II provides a framework for teachers to support their reflections on learning outcomes, the topic of learning, success criteria, and performance descriptors for primary school learners of FL. Appendix III includes six short video clips from real-life FL teaching practice of primary school learners which are intended for reflection and adaptation to suit your own teaching contexts.


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2022-03-17 11:05:34

Aula Magna Proyecto clave McGraw Hill


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Mihaela Brumen is a lecturer, researcher and teacher trainer at the University of Maribor, Slovenia where she teaches TESOL methodology courses to pre-service and in-service teachers. Her research interests, presented in several articles, books and international conferences, are focused on early language learning and teaching (pre-primary and primary level), assessment and guided reflection, multilingual and intercultural competence, content and language integrated learning (CLIL), learner autonomy, and qualitative research methodology. She organizes seminars for foreign language teachers of young learners in Slovenia. She is interdisciplinary-oriented and has participated at several international projects.
Marta Garrote Salazar is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Teaching training and Education, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), since 2011. From 1999 to 2011, she worked as a researcher at Computational Linguistics Laboratory (UAM). She holds a PhD in Linguistics, a Degree in Linguistics and a Bachelor of Arts (English Philology). As a researcher, she has collaborated in more than 12 projects, two of them European and full time. Currently, she works as a teacher trainer and combines her research work as a linguist and as a foreign language teacher, connecting descriptive linguistics, corpus and computational linguistics and applied linguistics to L1 acquisition and L2/FL teaching and learning.

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