It gets better

My name is Ines Bocanegra Hallin, I am sixteen years old as I’m first publishing this but some of these poems have dated back to when I was fourteen. I have gone through some very hard times in my life and I struggled a lot mentally for a while. Especially when I was depressed and first got my heart broken, I would hear the words, “It gets better” constantly, coming from people who weren’t in my shoes, people who didn’t understand how I actually felt, people who didn’t grasp that it simply wasn’t getting better. From a broken heart, to the loss of my will to live to the self hatred I had, it all seemed to get worse, until the day it didn’t. My healing was never linear, nor is anyone’s. I am extremely happy on some days and extremely sad on others, it is only human. Only now I have learnt to be at peace with my emotions, allow myself to feel them when it is necessary, and no longer rely on medication or the help of others to be happy, I simply am. Every human feels sadness, anger, disappointment, even after they have been cured of a broken heart or a mental illness. My poems are a reflection of my emotions, I am only ever inspired to write poetry when I have very strong emotions. Hence I have divided this anthology into two halves. One for all of my sad moments and one for all of my happy ones. My sad moments however I now choose to label as my human emotions, since it is normal for each and every one of us to have a bad moment, a negative emotion or a bad day. This book is my attempt at showing people who are also suffering mentally that it is possible to get cured and get better, coming from someone who once understood how they feel and got cured.


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Tapa blanda con solapas

2023-01-12 17:52:42

Grupo Editorial Círculo Rojo SL


Poesía (DC)

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Inés Bocanegra Hallin. 16-year-old student from Sotogrande, Cádiz. Inés has been a lover of poetry since the age of nine and wishes to one day pursue a career as an author or journalist and continue to publish more poetic anthologies. 

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