Kingdom Principles For Proper Living will direct you to exactly where the good things of life are located. This will enable you to live an enjoyable, happy, secured and fulfilled life during your stay on planet earth. Broken down into ten chapters you will have the great opportunity to tap into thought provoking and inspiring topics like work, humility, prayer, faith, time management, giving, how to become a good parent and end the journey with the last chapter entitled crossing the finish line. The Divine essence of the cosmic will already infuse your system and prepare you at this stage to start reaping the benfits of the topics. My inspiration stems from books, personal experiences and success shared by great men of all centuries and personal revelations through spiritual awakenings. The full content has nothing to do with politics and is recommended for everyone regardless of race, gender or religion.


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2021-10-20 13:23:17

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Dennis Agwe Autor
Dennis Agwe is a Cameroonian born in a village called Mbengwi in the North West region. Completed all the phases of his basic and secondary education before university where he graduated like a full time teacher. Modern letters E.N.S Bambili. Adventured a journey to Europe through the Sahara Desert and arrived Spain. Worked for a salary on the rat race for a decade. Discovered the seed planted in him and decided to maximise it. After reading this book you will discover your full potential and the mysteries of God’s Kingdom. You will be excited, smatter and richer from the principles inside. You will also think like a kingdom citizen and flourish on every land. Dennis Agwe is a happily married man who believes in hardwork, raising funds of love, the beauty of life and does not like excesses. Go through the pages and be blessed.

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