Miriam the Christmas Cow

Miriam, the cow, is in her stall contentedly feeding her newly born calf, Samuel, when she sees an amazing light. Following the star, she is led to a human family, who have also just had a baby. Explore the true meaning of Christmas and discover the generous simple act from a humble cow to a very special child. "Miriam the Christmas Cow" is bound to become a Christmas classic, to be shared with family year after year.


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2022-11-28 16:59:44

EBL Books


álbumes ilustrados (YBC)

Patrick Fleming is a former hospital chaplain, retired psychotherapist, international speaker and consultant, and award-winning writer of self-help books, including his most recent, "Soul Light for the Dark Night: Daily Meditations". He is also the author of the cli-fi thriller, "Gaia’s Revenge". Pat and his wife, Sue, share ten grandchildren and three great-grandchildren, and have always enjoyed reading them children’s books through the years. They live outside of St. Louis, Missouri, surrounded by forests, flowers, deer, birds, fox, turkey, a family of skunks, and great human neighbors. Every Christmas a featured part of their decorations is a lighted, metal Christmas Cow named Miriam.

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