Operation El Dorado Canyon: Based on the true story of the Spanish spy who located Gaddafi

Based on the true story written by the protagonist who has finally been able to reveal the facts, now that 30 years have passed since these events took place. "Imprescindible". (“A must-read”) - Carlos Herrera "Una novela en la que todo es verdad." (“ A novel in which everything is true”)- Gerardo Granada La Razón "Vibrante. Rocha bebe de sus experiencias reales, y las expone a los ojos del lector con un alto índice de verosimilitud." (“Vibrant. Rocha drinks from his true experiences and reveals them to the eyes of the reader with a high level of authenticity”) - Juan Bolea, El Periódico "Una historia muchísimo más grande de lo que el propio autor cree". (“ A story much larger than the author even realizes”) - Ángel Expósito, COPE On April 15, 1986, after a wave of attacks against Western interests backed by Muammar al-Gaddafi, President Ronald Reagan launched the execution of Operation El Dorado Canyon with the intention of putting an end to the Libyan dictator. Not one NATO country gave military support to this operation. Facing precarious means, the CIA requested the aid of Spain. Under complete secrecy, the CESID brought a Spanish agent to Libya in order to locate Gaddafi. He would end up becoming the only source of information on earth. This is his story.


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Espionaje y servicios secretos (JPSH)

Jaime Rocha Autor
Jaime Rocha (1942, Larache, Spain) is a Captain of the General Corps of the Navy where he was stationed on different ships and the Harrier aircraft squadron. He navigated on board the ships of the US Navy in the North Atlantic and the Pacific. In 1979 he returned to the Spanish Intelligence Service, currently referred to as the CNI, working as part of the cabinet of the Director Emilio Alonso Manglano in Cádiz , in clandestine networks in Maghreb, at the Spanish embassy in Czechoslovakia from 1989 to 1994 and as Head of the European and North American zones in the Foreign Division. After his move to the Statutory Reserve of the CNI in 1995, he was the manager of a tile factory In Alcora (Castellón). He writes assiduously for the Diario de Cádiz and La Razón (Spanish newspapers), participates in radio and television talk shows and was the founder and director of the magazine “Caballeros Hospitalarios”. He has published a compilation of news articles. He belongs to the management committee of the Club Le Carré for writers of the spy and intelligence genre.

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