Peter’s Adventures

One day Peter discovers a trunk full of relics from the last century in a secret room. From this moment on different characters help Peter to decipher the innumerable enigmas that surround him. The adventures of Peter and his friends give many insights into the culture of the United Kingdom as well as transporting readers to the magical places that the characters visit. Robin Hood, William Wallace and Lady Godiva are just some of the characters in this interesting graphic novel that relates the many exciting events that happen to Peter and his friends.


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Tapa blanda con solapas

2022-11-08 16:24:38

Grupo Editorial Círculo Rojo SL


Ficción moderna y contemporánea (FA)

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Pedro Sánchez Alfaro was born in Castellón de la Plana in 1993. His parents say that he was already reading newspapers by the age of three. Aged five, he won a poetry competition. And aged 29, he began his career as a writer with Peter’s Adventures. He loves reading as well as writing stories related to legends and myths. Living in the UK and India gave him the inspiration to create these stories full of fantasy and fiction. Conveying his passion for history and the English language is one of his main goals as an English philologist and secondary school teacher.

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