Stories of love and sex around the world. True stories. Second part

Have you ever dreamt about traveling around the world and meeting girls from different countries? It doesn’t always go well, but it is always interesting. Around five years ago, I made the decision to go to Australia. It took a lot of guts. It was the first stop of my trip. When I arrived, I looked at the sky, and I thought, I like it! I didn’t mean Australia (which I also like), I meant the feeling of freedom. That feeling will always be with me. Since then, I have met many different people, seen amazing places and enjoyed great adventures. Tis is the frst part of the best stories of love and sex that I experienced during my trips. Buy Stories of Love and Sex now, and enjoy! “It surprised me how easy it is to read and how fast time passes when you submerge yourself in the stories. Tey introduce you, through the experience of the author, to different parts of the world.” -Dani P. “Seeing the point of view of a man about these kinds of situations had me uneasy during the whole book.” -Erika G. “It is an entertaining book that brings you through different stories of love and loveless traveling. I personally felt inside the skin of the writer in many of the stories.” -Carlos L.


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2020-11-30 14:51:33

Grupo Editorial Círculo Rojo SL


Narrativa romántica (FR)

Albert The Writer nació en Barcelona, España. Después de tener una vida convencional, empezó a viajar por el mundo. Fue entonces cuando le vino la inspiración para escribir. Lo que, de hecho, estaba dentro de él desde que era niño.

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