Ventura in Cordoba: The Mystery of the Lost Jewel

Ventura, the intrepid little traveler, faces a new challenge: help the mysterious Chiqui find a lost jewel in the city of Cordoba. Together they spend a fun-filled day running around the city, discovering the stunning architecture and some of the most iconic characters of Cordoba’s history. Can Maimónides or Manolete help Ventura solve the mystery? This storybook takes a fun approach to introduce the most emblematic monuments and historical personalities of Cordoba (Spain) for the 25th anniversary of its admittance as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It continues the saga of “Ventura in New York,” the first book of the popular children’s storybook collection that encourages the passion of discovery and learning through travel.


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2022-03-28 16:26:52

EBL Books


Personas y lugares (infantil/juvenil) (YNM)

Seville, 1974 If there is one thing that defines the author of this book, it’s his wanderlust and passion for adventure. A relentless nomad, over the years Jorge has been to more than 100 countries on five continents. His webpage, www.aventurayfotografí, is a showcase of his world travels, displaying his love for discovering new cultures, people, and countries. Amongst many other adventures, he spent a year backpacking around the world, sailed across the Atlantic, climbed the highest mountain in Africa, hiked around the Himalayas, crossed the Sahel desert in a rattletrap Renault, dived with sharks and stingrays, photographed wildlife in the national parks of Africa, Asia, and America, and shared experiences with remote African tribes such as the Himba, the Maasai, and the Pygmy. Apart from his homeland Spain, Jorge has lived in Chile and the United States. “Ventura in Cordoba” continues Ventura´s Saga, a popular children’s storybook collection that encourages the passion of discovery and learning through travel.

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