Victoria Marlin - La yaya

Victoria Marlin is a famous British oncologist who lives in the USA. Her life is marked by a very difficult childhood due to the somewhat strange loss of her brother Jacob. This event changes her life forever. She remembers her childhood every night for many years, but thanks to the help of specialist doctors, she overcomes the rough patch that could have led her to the same state as her parents. However, joy emerges when she meets Anthony in college, who will become her husband and ultimately help her forget everything that happened years ago. Until one day, the nightmare reappears, and the dreams return. But this time, they are all too real. The dreams are speaking to her and asking her to do something. Victoria believes she is going crazy because in the dreams, she meets people she has never seen before. However, she knows that they are real in some sense; she just doesn’t know how to interpret them. Until she discovers something from the past, a past that will take her back to England where everything happened. The dreams will lead her there, and she will have to figure out what to look for and where to find the truth. The truth about that mysterious old woman who appeared on the day of her brother Jacob’s death, and whom no one else saw except her. Anthony, her husband, thinks she is going crazy and ends up admitting her to a psychiatric hospital for her own good. Now Victoria will have to prove that she is not insane, or they will keep her institutionalized for life, just like what happened to her mother.


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2023-08-10 13:50:58

Grupo Editorial Círculo Rojo SL


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