Alive again

This book is a message of hope and love for life as significant as the Diary of Anne Frank, who died in a concentration camp. Elias Harari became paralyzed in an accident, still immobilized to this day. They both claimed their freedom journaling a diary in their early teens, a legacy of love and inner strength of giants for posterity. She couldn’t choose to live. Elias did. Trapped in his body, he decided to share his spiritual awakening and become a carrier of light and humility, integrity, dignity, and self-esteem. His message is vital for anyone facing challenging times, youngsters, and those interested in preventing and treating addictions. He wrote the chapters on The Ego Facing the Mirror and Forgiveness when he was just a child, beginning to thrive on becoming a man. This story sheds light on developing a healthy personality and the impact of the loving bond and respect of his empowering and supportive parents, and Elias’s decision never to feel sorry for himself. Elias is a specialized life coach and logotherapist. He enjoys life, music, and helping others. With love and gratitude for having Elias in my life, Olga Askenazi Abady


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2022-03-21 09:11:21

Grupo Editorial Círculo Rojo SL


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