Great Art: Do You See What I See?

I would like to show readers what I saw in some of the great works and to make them feel my own enthusiasm and curiosity. I wrote these articles for a blog called The Best Artists and was surprised and delighted at the enthusiastic comments by my readers. Many were students preparing for some exam but there were also experts on art and the work or the artist that I had written about. With their remarks and their knowledge they instructed us all. I have gratefully incorporated many of their comments into these chapters and so given the readers of this book a chance to see what others saw. My aim is to give you the opportunity to skip the rigmarole and take a more personal look at some great art. In the past it was for the very few. Now you are one of the privileged. For centuries artists found ingenious ways to represent their world, and how each of them succeeded is there for you to judge. You can read the evaluations of art historians or you can first look with your own eyes and heart.


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2023-09-01 17:35:05

Grupo Editorial Círculo Rojo SL


Artes (A)

Born in 1946, I grew up in Gibsonburg, Ohio, a town not far from Toledo. In my junior year of college (Bowling Green State University), I went to Spain to study Spanish and discovered what seemed to me a lost world—a lost paradise. After a stint as a high-school teacher in Pittsburgh and more studies, mostly language and literature, in the U.S. and Switzerland (Basel University), I came back to Spain and stayed for good. My Swiss wife and I married in Madrid. We earned our living as English teachers. There was time to read a lot and to travel. I learned how to carve my own figures in marble and to paint; and in time I began to write about the great works of history and art that I loved. Spain, just as I thought when I first came here, proved in fact to be a paradise. And its angels were legion. Now retired, I teach English as a volunteer at the Senior Center of Valdemoro, near Madrid.

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