I, Mother of an Addict

If you’re afraid to lose someone you love because of consumption of alcohol, other drugs or addictive behavior (compulsive gambling, addiction to food, videogames, sex, social network), I invite you to know my experience so that you may take the first step and achieve your loved one’s recovery together. During my son’s treatment I decided to share my experience, from my deepest intimacy, and help those that might be inside that maze with no exits. My experience in the beginning is painful, filled with guilt and shame, but later on turns satisfactory, filled with learning. It is very important to let go of prejudices and to value the addict, who suffers in silence and for whom will is not a main resource. Knowing the disease allowed me to heal my emotional codependency, have a new life through self-knowledge, acceptance and personal growth, with important achievements in healthy relationships and a nourishing life purpose. My book will be today and from now on my banner to help break stigmas and obtain more support in treatment of addiction.


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2021-02-10 21:25:13

Universo de Letras


Historias reales (BT)

(1963), Caracas, Venezuela. Self-taught in the subject of addictions and codependency due to an unexpected twist in her life. Her motivation is “to love and serve in everything”. She is a voice, a visible face, seeking to end the stigma of addiction. Lawyer graduated from Universidad Católica Andrés Bello. 30 years of professional experience in management and executive positions. Email: madredeunadicto@gmail.com Instagram: @madredeunadicto Facebook: @madredeunadicto

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