I´m not Eve, my name is Lilith

“I´m Not Eve, My Name Is Lilith”, is a novel that deals with women and their oppression. A novel, inspired by the Jewish tradition and the Hebrew and Sumerian mythologies, that tries, through fiction to tear down the internal myths that we all carry inside, Eve, a nineteen-year-old girl, travels with her friends to the Dead Sea. Upon her return, she will never be the same. After being possessed by Lilith, our protagonist begins to see the world with different eyes. She will travel from the hand of the succubus of fire through her own life, from the life of Eve. An Eve that has nothing to do with what we have been told. During the plot, not only does Eve begin to change, Lilith also undergoes a transformation. Samael returns to prevent revenge against the offspring of Adam from taking place. A novel that will make you think, compare and decide.


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Tapa blanda con solapas

2018-10-04 13:58:07



Ficción moderna y contemporánea (FA)

Eduardo R García was born in 1984 on the island of La Palma, Canary Islands, to a middle-class family.. At the age of 18 he moved to Tenerife to receive his degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources at the University of La Laguna. He has been living in England since 2011 and has been working at YeoValley since 2012. Eduardo R García, winner of several national and international narrative awards, and finalist in many others, he has made a place in the complicated and competitive literary landscape. He defines himself as more than as a writer, since according to him, he is not, as an inventor: an inventor of stories. Lover of art in the broadest sense of the word, touching branches like literature and the performing arts. After captivating and surprising with his debut "When Evil Becomes aWwoman" and continuing with "The Heretic of Evil", he ventures again into the noble art of writing with "I´m Not Eve, my Name Is Lilith". Follow him in Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/inventordehistoria/

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