The Code

“Samuel, a thirty seven year old man, confused and disorientated after the sudden death of his girlfriend in a traffic accident, discovers an old diary written by the girl before her death. In it is outlined a mysterious formula to find the door linking the worlds of Life and Death. Attracted by this Secret Code, Samuel embarks on a journey searching for answers, a journey of no return, which will take him full circle from the beautiful countryside around the Lake of San Mauricio in the Pyrenees of Lérida, to the attractive magic of Vedrá on the island of Ibiza. On this island he will find out that there is a mysterious connection between the death of a woman in a plane accident which happened there in 1972 and the death of his girlfriend in LLavorsí”.


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Tapa blanda con solapas

2022-02-10 05:25:57

Grupo Editorial Círculo Rojo SL


Ficción moderna y contemporánea (FA)

Chris Martos Autor
Chris Martos was born in Sabadell, Barcelona on 15th September 1976 although since 2008 he has lived on the island of Ibiza, a place to which he feels closely connected. From the time he composed his first song at the age of seven, the world of creativity has accompanied him at all times during his entire professional career. Singer, writer, actor and lawyer; this is the artist’s debut in the genre of novel writing although he has already written and directed various plays. (“El pilar de la inocencia”, “Quién sabe”, “El Viaje” and most recently “La última luz del día” on the island of Ibiza), as well as composed and edited two albums (“El Código” together with David Palau and Déja Vu, together with Joan Barbé). “The Code”, opera prima of Chris Martos in this narrative genre, is probably his work most intimately linked to his own literary and philosophical universe. The author has therefore supplemented the narrative with ten songs included in the CD of the same name “El Código” (“The Code”) which serves as a soundtrack to enhance certain passages of the novel.

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