Travel guide: Saudi Arabia

This Saudi Arabia travel guide aims to open the eyes of the travellers who want to enjoy their stay in this country. This guide offers brief cultural notes to understand the culture you will reach, details interesting places to visit in nature and in the city and offers recommendations for eating and shopping.


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Tapa blanda con solapas

2022-03-14 10:12:09

Grupo Editorial Círculo Rojo SL


Viajes y vacaciones (WT)

Pablo Narval Autor
Pablo Narval was born in Marín (Galicia). He is passionate about nature and Beaux Arts. He likes reading to learn and to escape from reality, so he is attracted to both historical accounts and legends, and fantastic tales. He participated in the writing of books and written professional articles about Spanish and European politics related to his profession and his doctoral studies. He has recently started writing poetry books, theatre plays (The piercing, in 2019) and fantasy novels (The magic pond, in 2020). He writes in English and Spanish. Nowadays, moved by his adventurous spirit, he has started writing travel guides, this being the first one. He believes in the language of the fine arts as an exercise in freedom, a means of communication and an engine of feelings.

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