Character Education in Europe: Challenges and Opportunities

The book aims to highlight the distinct challenges and opportunities that character education faces across several European countries, including Austria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Portugal, Slovakia, and Spain. By examining character education landscapes in these diverse contexts, this work provides insights into specific hurdles and potential avenues for advancement in promoting character development and positive impact across the region and beyond. Through a detailed analysis of country reports, practices, and research findings, the book sheds light on varying approaches to character education. It emphasizes the need for tailored strategies that resonate with each country"s cultural, social, and educational landscapes. These approaches, including traditional, liberal, psychological, and neo-Aristotelian, share a common goal of fostering strong character dispositions but diverge in their philosophical foundations, pedagogical methods, and political assumptions. While European character education grapples with significant challenges, its multifaceted approaches —particularly the neo-Aristotelian— offer robust strategies for developing character dispositions. By overcoming these challenges and harnessing the highlighted opportunities, character education in Europe has the potential to effectively address contemporary educational and societal needs and contribute to more flourishing school environments.


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Professor Verónica Fernández is the Director of the Virtue and Values Education Centre and Professor at the Faculty of Education and Psychology at Universidad Francisco de Vitoria. She is a consultant for the Valued Based Leadership project run by the Oxford Character Project and collaborates with the European Character and Virtue Association. Her interests include character education, teaching leadership and value-based leadership among others.
Professor Tom Harrison is the Deputy Pro Vice Chancellor for Education Innovation at the University of Birmingham. He is also the Director of the Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues. Tom is an HEA Principal Fellow and National Teaching Fellow and Secretary and Trustee for the Society for Educational Studies (SES). His interests are innovation in education, character education, graduate attributes and digital-wisdom.
Professor Kristján Kristjánsson is Professor of Character Education and Virtue Ethics. He has published over 130 articles in international journals and is the Editor of the Journal of Moral Education. He has written on themes in general education, moral education, educational psychology, moral philosophy and political philosophy, and sees himself essentially as a bridge-builder between philosophy and social science.
Professor Roland Berhard is a full Professor for "School Improvement & Leadership" at the University of Teacher Education Vienna/Krems. From 2018-2020 he was Visiting Researcher at the University of Oxford. He is co-leading the project Teachers’ and parents’ perspectives on Character Education in Europe (TEPACE).

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