Gravity, approach to new theories

This book explains a new concept of gravity that we have so far in classical physics, making an analysis of the law of universal gravitation and the experiments that have been made to verify it. The author proposes a new vision, this vision could be refuted, but if it wasn’t, it could be an important new concept in our understanding of the universe and physics.


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Tapa blanda

2023-01-13 13:32:19

Grupo Editorial Círculo Rojo SL


Investigación e información: general (GP)

Jordi Bedoya Ribó was born in Lleida on June 12, 1974. He holds a degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Zaragoza. He continued his studies in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Wales. For the last ten years of his work life, he has worked as a high school teacher in the area of Technology and in vocational training as an interim. A chess enthusiast since childhood, he’s a member of the Lleida chess club, although not one of the most outstanding players, he usually plays some tournaments during the season. He is also fond of studying and reading mostly about science topics, and sometimes he also reads about other themes. He is married and has two daughters, Alicia and Sky, aged ten and three.

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