Learn to Realise

This book, a sequel to the book Our True Power, is a practical guide to help you on your path towards healing. The book addresses eight different aspects of our human functioning: action, thinking, attention, livelihood, speech, awareness, understanding and concentration. Every aspect is like a cog, a part of a huge wheel, which sets itself in motion within you as you gradually process the information and as the insights trickle through. These eight different aspects of our human functioning will be viewed in the dynamics of the Divine Energy. And as you come to an understanding of the working of these dynamics, you start to see how you, yourself, are creating every experience in the past, present and future. The good as well as the bad. Realising – acknowledging – your personal part in the creative process can lead to changed thinking and behaviour. For only then can you consciously focus and work on new desired patterns. Reprogramming your habitual behaviour, the autopilot, isn’t as simple as purchasing a program upgrade. Oh if only it were… No, it’s a process of hard work and devotion to realise – achieve – your deepest desire, good health and happiness. Learn about the autopilot and how to reprogram through a personal Test-Check-Confirm process so it becomes your best bodyguard. Throughout the book the teachings inspire to actually choose the path of growth and evolution, a path of healing and transformation. The book is written in an easy and understandable way so it"s teachings are available and possible for everyone who really desires to embark on the healing journey. You will read that Realising is much more than manifesting. You will Learn to Realise in a double entendre and with a dual purpose. For to Realise is to first acknowledge and then achieve!


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Tapa blanda con solapas

2024-03-13 14:28:58

Punto Rojo Libros S.L.


Autoayuda y desarrollo personal (VS)

Nina’s very active private and professional life, as a corporate trainer-teacher and public speaker in Belgium, ended abruptly at the beginning of 2017 as her body gave out in what she calls a total system shutdown. It was a devastating breaking point with a Divine Gift, Time. Her deepest desire to study more about the underlying energy dynamics between body, mind and Spirit, now, got all of her attention. Through research, study and experiencing the energetic bodywork herself, she learned to feel, to understand, to respect and to work with the Universal Energy. “Whoever understands this knowledge can experience first-hand how we are all, with our personal Human Energy Field, part of the Great Whole, the Universal Energy Field, and how we can all transform and heal our bodies, our lives and create our own well-being. Only through learning and applying the right thinking and behaviour patterns can we realise our deepest desire for Good Health and Happiness.” As a born teacher she regards it her life mission to share all acquired knowledge and experience through her writing and teaching. By the end of 2018 she knew it was time to close the curtain on her old life in Belgium and moved to Spain. Embarking on this new adventure she finally had the time to focus fully on herself and decided healing and writing were to become her stop priorities. Five years and three books later, she followed up on a calling to start writing in English. Her first English book, Our True Power, contains a channelled message on healing and calls the reader to awaken to his True Innate Power. A book written and first published in 2020. Although she had started the writing of the book, Learn to Realise, back in Belgium. Finishing this work was clearly divinely postponed until later 2023 for it appeared to be the perfect sequel to Our True Power. It became the practical guide she always desired to create. A workbook to help others who are ready to embark on their healing journey. Her own transformational journey was one of extreme pain and solitude. After going through it all by herself she likes to point out to always remember, you are never alone!

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