Our true Power

This book contains a powerful message of healing. The message is for all of humanity. Unfortunately not everyone will be able to grasp its true value. Some will even contest and oppose it. But for those who are ready, the power of the message will do its magic, help awaken the person who’s reading and encourage to follow a path towards happiness and wellbeing. In these current times more and more people are feeling a deep desire to free themselves and their loved ones from the pressures and fears which todays life bestows upon us. Is there a way out? Can we liberate ourselves from manipulation and control, which is restricting us in our beingness? The answer is, Yes! Open your heart and let the energy of the words work deeply within and experience first-hand what freedom, joy and health feels like as you liberate yourself from those restrictive ego-thinking mind patterns that imprison us all. Discovering who we really are, we rediscover our natural strength. Everything we are capable of is present inside of us, we just need to remember it. A spiritual guide for the awakening individual who longs for freedom in a beautiful, healthy and joyful existence.


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Tapa blanda con solapas

2023-04-14 11:49:11

Punto Rojo Libros S.L.


Autoayuda y desarrollo personal (VS)

Nina’s professional career as a trainer-teacher-public speaker, as well as her very active private life as a single mom of two boys, came to an abrupt end in 2017 when her body collapsed in what she experienced as a total system shutdown. In her search for answers she used the time given, to study even more and learned to understand the underlying dynamics between body, mind and Spirit. Through studying the energy and experiencing the energetic bodywork, she learned to feel, understand, respect and use the Universal Energy Field correctly. "Whoever carries that knowledge can experience first-hand how we all are, with our personal Human Energy Field, part of the Great Whole, the Universal Energy Field, and how we all can transform our health, our well-being and our lives, as we apply the right thinking and behavioural patterns." As a born teacher and speaker she regards it her life mission to share all information she acquired throughout her personal transformation process. Early 2020, during the first lockdown, very much to her surprise, she started writing the book, Our True Power, in a channelling flow, as if a Higher Consciousness was ordering her to.

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