Terminal tales

Life itself is like a brushstroke in the History of the Universe. If we keep the last moments of the existence, we can compare it to the last and intimate contact of the brush with the canvas, which is almost imperceptible. But when referring to LIFE, the last sigh turns into something supreme, selfish, dissenting, painful, emotional, and even magical, I dare say. This is why there is always a place for doubt, for fair, for surprise or even for distrustful confidence, slackening tension or demoralised moral.


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2017-01-24 13:11:45

Punto Rojo Libros S.L.


Ficción y temas afines (F)

Agustín Otero-Muñoz was born in 1968 in Las Cabezas de San Juan (Seville). He attended primary school in his hometown and then he studied secondary education in the neighbouring town of Lebrija. He graduated in Education in 1989 and in Pedagogy in 1994. He started as a poet and he published Camino a ciegas. Later, he published Manual de primeros auxilios para tener en casa and Técnicas de Estudio: una necesidad urgente. In 2006, he published Relatos Terminales, a novel which must be regarded as a tool to arouse the youth’s interest in reading.

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